The Innovation Doctor
The Joyful Project Hub written inside a hot air balloon

The Joyful Project Hub:
Where Passion Meets Progress

Turn Your Creative Ideas into Reality

Are you a passionate professional looking to bring your ideas to life?

Welcome to The Joyful Project Hub – a vibrant community where creativity thrives, projects flourish, and joy is the driving force behind every endeavor.

The Joyful Project Hub

At The Joyful Project Hub creativity flourishes supported by three essential pillars:


Stay on track and make consistent progress with regular check-ins and goal-setting sessions.


Connect with like-minded creators who understand your journey and celebrate your successes.


Tap into a wellspring of ideas, resources, and encouragement to fuel your creative fire.

Why Join The Joyful Project Hub?

In a world that often prioritizes hustle over happiness, we’re cultivating something different. Here, you’ll find:

The Core Principles

  1. Joyful Progress Over Perfection: We celebrate every step forward, no matter how small.
  2. Collaboration Over Isolation: Together, we achieve more than we ever could alone.
  3. Adaptability Over Rigid Plans: We stay flexible, pivoting our projects as we learn and grow.
  4. Purpose-Driven Creation: Let your passion guide your actions and shape your creative vision.
  5. Continuous Learning: Embrace challenges as opportunities for growth and self-improvement.
  6. Sustainable Creative Practice: Balance creation with rest, play, and reflection.
  7. Celebration and Reflection: Acknowledge your progress and learn from your experiences.

What You'll Get


  • Monthly Creative Kickoff (Sprint Planning: Set clear, achievable goals for your projects.
  • Monthly Momentum Boost (Stand-up & Co-working): Share progress, overcome obstacles, and stay on track.
  • Monthly Milestone Checkup (Sprint Review & Co-working): Celebrate achievements and plan your next steps.


  • 24/7 Community Forum: Connect, share, and inspire anytime, anywhere.
  • Quarterly Project Celebration & Culmination Retrospective: Reflect on your progress and showcase your work to peers.
  • Collaborative Problem-Solving: Tap into the collective wisdom of the community to overcome creative challenges.


  • Quarterly Mini-Workshops: Dive deep into creative techniques and productivity hacks.
  • Quarterly Book Studies: Explore inspiring reads that fuel your creative journey.
  • Resource Library: Access curated tools, templates, and guides for creative success.


  • 50% Discount: Enjoy half off all other virtual/digital offerings from The Innovation Doctor.
  • Fun Bonuses

Who This Membership Is For

The Joyful Project Hub is perfect for:

This membership may not be the best fit for:

Your Investment in Joyful Creativity

Join The Founding Circle

As a founding member, you’ll:

  1. Shape the Community: Be part of something from the ground up. Your input will help mold the future of our creative haven.
  2. Exclusive Benefits: Enjoy perks and resources available only to our inaugural members.
  3. Lifelong Connection: Form deep bonds with fellow creatives who share your passion for joyful productivity.


Early Bird Founding Member*

10 spots available at $47/month

* First 5 people to sign up receive a 1-hour private project planning-brainstorming session ($250 Value)

Founding Member

10 spots available at $57/month

All memberships must commit to at least three months in the community. Founding member rates are good for the lifetime of your tenure in the community. If you leave and return you will have to pay the current membership rate.

Ready to Join?

Click the button below to become part of The Joyful Project Hub. Let’s make creativity joyful again, together!

Dr. Abigail Joseph with big smile

Hey, I'm Dr. Abigail Joseph

After 10 years of teaching, I was burnt out. I was tired all the time and gave all my energy to my teaching craft and students. Trying to pursue my passions was the last thing I had energy for at the end of the day.

Stressed, overwhelmed, exhausted, I felt stuck and trapped by my job and when I got home each night, I was in deep despair.

I knew I needed to do something different, but could not see a clear way out.

I forced myself into a teacher gap year and discovered I had been cultivating the skills I needed to overcome my burnout all along. A year spent in a community maker space reinvigorating all the creative and innovative mindsets I had been teaching students for many years.

Cultivating and practicing these mindsets over and over again with projects, workshops, and conversations with other passionate creatives took me out of my fog where life was passing me by to becoming an active participant in designing the life I wanted to live.

Now, I have a tool chest of mindsets that help me to stay engaged with my creativity every day and allow me to tap into my joy. This is what I am sharing with you.

These techniques will move you from being stuck and overwhelmed into action as you explore the questions for each technique in The Burnout Remedy guide.

Got Questions? I've Got Answers

I recommend setting time aside to attend the monthly meetings and adding in an hour a week to work on your project.  However, the beauty of our community is that you can engage as much or as little as your schedule allows.

Absolutely! We welcome creators at all levels. Our community is designed to support you wherever you are in your creative journey.

The accountability system is built around weekly check-ins, monthly sprint planning, and quarterly reviews. You’ll set goals, share progress, and get support from the community. It’s structured enough to keep you on track, but flexible enough to adapt to your unique needs.

New members are asked to commit themselves to three months in the community to experience the maximum benefits of membership. Yes, you can cancel your membership at any time, but to experience the full value of the membership it will take three months to decide if is the right fir for you. At that time if you find that the community isn’t meeting your needs then you are free to cancel and your membership will end at the end of the month you cancel.

Our members work on a wide range of projects, from making books (recipe, memory, how-to) and creating art series to launching businesses and designing social good community projects. The common thread is a desire to create with joy and purpose.

Each quarter, we select a book that aligns with our community’s goals and values. We read it together, discussing insights and applications in our forum and end with a live Zoom conversation.  Workshops are led by myself, community experts, or invited guests, covering topics like creativity techniques, productivity, and specific creative skills.

We foster a culture of respect and integrity within our community. While we encourage sharing and collaboration, members are expected to respect each other’s intellectual property. If you have specific concerns, you can always share your progress more generally without revealing sensitive details.

Don't let another creative idea fade away.

Join The Joyful Project Hub and turn your passion into progress, supported by accountability, community, and inspiration.