Embracing Creativity: The Heartbeat of Innovation

Dear Creativity,

I wanted to take a moment to express my gratitude and admiration for the invaluable role you play in the realm of innovation. It’s through your boundless and ever-evolving nature that I find the spark, the inspiration, and the courage to embark on the journey of innovation. You take what I see and feel and transform those sensations into thoughts that eventually become solutions to the many challenges I face. We have a good thing going, this partnership that brings my ideas into the world and I wanted to take the time to reflect on some of the ways you help me create more every day.

Exploring New Ideas: Creativity, you are the foundation upon which innovation is built. You gift us with the ability to explore new ideas, venture into uncharted territories of thought, and embrace the unknown with open arms. It’s in your embrace that innovation finds its roots. Your guidance in exploring varied interests allows innovation to set sail in the vast sea of possibilities.

Daydream: As a visionary daydreaming is my oxygen and how I make sense of the world. Your realm of daydreams is where I find solace and inspiration. It’s in these moments of wandering thought that I encounter the seeds of innovation, waiting to be nurtured into reality. I love how you encourage us to dream big, unveiling the unimaginable solutions to the challenges we face. When I am staring out into space, I know something new is about to emerge.

Keep a Journal: As I write, I do. Creativity, you teach us the importance of documentation and learning. By keeping a journal of our experiences, we learn from our triumphs and, perhaps more importantly, from our failures. Every idea we put into the world is worthy of your gift of introspection and reflection. Adding pictures to the thoughts we lay down on paper provides new ways to refine our ideas and transform them into something new, sometimes beyond what we could have ever imagined.

Seek Inspiration: You constantly remind me to seek inspiration from the world around us. Whether it’s art, culture, or other forms of expression, you guide me to draw from diverse sources, resulting in richer, more innovative outcomes. Cross-disciplinary inspiration is probably the biggest gift you have given me and I have used it to bridge many different worlds into innovations that allow me to merge art with computer science, design a curriculum that integrates history with making, or explore my love for learning that provides a foundation for excitement of all the possibilities to come.

Collaborate: Innovation flourishes when you and collaboration join forces. You inspire us to connect with others and to bring diverse perspectives and talents together. We were never meant to create with you alone. Your capacity to bring together disparate minds and ideas ignites the spark of creativity that leads to groundbreaking innovation.

Sweet Creativity, I acknowledge the profound impact you have on the world of innovation. You are the muse that whispers in my ear, the driving force behind every breakthrough, and the wellspring from which innovation flows. I hope that my readers will take you up on the gifts you bring that I cherish deeply: exploring new ideas, daydreaming, keeping a journal, seeking inspiration, and collaborating. I look forward to the continued journey of discovery and innovation that we, a community of curious people, undertake together to change the world in the profound ways I know we are able to.

Innovatively Yours,
Dr. Abigail

Don’t sit down and wait for the opportunities to come. Get up and make them. – Madame CJ Walker.