Making space for imagination and legacy

Dear Creativity,

What a week. Six days of conferencing and meetings. I am tired and my heart is full of joy I spent the past week in Los Vegas at the Computer Science Teachers Association (CSTA) annual conference. It was the biggest yet in terms of participants and it delivered. CSTA celebrated 20 years of supporting computer science teachers and advocating for equity and access to computer science education for all students. Creativity, you were present throughout the conference, and for that, I am forever grateful. 

You, Creativity:

  • partnered with me three late nights in a row to put the finishing touches on the three sessions I presented and led
  • connected with me and channeled through me with words as I stepped in to host a panel with two college students in the closing keynote session
  • surrounded me like a warm comforting blanket while I listened to the words (delivered like a spoken word poet) of Dr. Gholdy Muhammed and she presented her keynote on her book, Unearthing Joy: A Guide to Culturally and Historically Responsive Curriculum and Instruction.
  • walked with me as I roamed the exhibition floor connecting with old friends and new and watching the ideas of a Board task force I led for the 20th anniversary take flight through a museum, storyboard, and photo booth
  • joined me as I admired the aesthetics of the conference signage and the conference center itself with its beautiful light fixtures, greenery, and subtle smells of delight in the restrooms that made up for the arctic temperatures that were in high contrast to the 115-degree temperatures in the desert heat
  • helped me to stay cool in the hot outdoors of the After Hours pool party with the visual and culinary delights around each corner
  • inspired me through every keynote, presentation, all-day Board meeting at the end of the conference, and visit to Area 51 (Meow Wolf U-mart) at the very end when I was tired, but still longed for a little bit more.

Alas, I am here tired with a heart full of joy and it has me thinking about how might we make time and space for our imaginations to soar. 

Amid our daily routines and obligations, it’s all too easy to become caught in the hamster wheel of busyness, leaving little room for our imaginations to flourish. Yet, as this conference reminded me, it’s precisely in those moments of connection, inspiration, and creative exploration that we find our greatest joy and potential for growth. Creativity, how might we cultivate this space for our imaginations to soar?

  • Prioritize experiences over tasks: While our to-do lists are important, we must also make time for experiences that ignite our curiosity and spark new ideas.
  • Embrace collaboration: When we come together, our imaginations can intertwine, creating a tapestry of ideas far richer than what we might conceive alone, especially when we remember that we have you, Creativity, to support us every step of the way.
  • Step out of our comfort zones: Whether it’s attending a conference, trying a new skill, or engaging with unfamiliar concepts, pushing our boundaries often leads to unexpected bursts of creativity.
  • Create physical and mental space: This might mean designating a specific area for creative pursuits or setting aside regular time for unstructured thinking and exploration.
  • Nurture a growth mindset: By viewing challenges as opportunities and embracing the process of learning, we open ourselves to new possibilities.

The legacy we leave behind is not just in the tangible products of our work, but in the spaces we create for others to dream, connect, and grow. By fostering environments that encourage imagination and collaboration, we set the stage for future generations to build upon our foundations and reach even greater heights with you, Creativity, by our side.

As I reflect on this incredible week, I’m reminded that the true power of education lies not just in the transfer of knowledge, but in the cultivation of imagination and the forging of connections. It’s in these moments of shared creativity and inspiration that we find the seeds of transformative change.

Creativity, I am here for it. Every step of the way. One of the many legacies I want to leave the world with is spaces for individuals to collaborate, explore, and make room for their imaginations to open new possibilities and ways of making a life worth living.

Innovatively Yours,
Dr. Abigail