Play is the highest form of research.

– Albert Einstein

In a rapidly evolving landscape, the demand for skills like creativity, collaboration, and critical thinking is skyrocketing. These skills not only define successful individuals but also thriving organizations. I specialize in cultivating these essential skills by harnessing the power of playBy embracing play and fostering innovation, I guide individuals and teams towards unlocking their full potential. My approach goes beyond traditional training methods, focusing on infusing joy and creativity into every aspect my offerings.

Practicing innovation will open doors to a creative life where you design and develop solutions that are uniquely you. You will redefine what it means to be creative and get inspired by your big visions over and over again. Cultivating your innovation practice will empower you to demand the impossible from yourself and your personal and professional communities.  Become adaptable and future-ready to thrive in a digital world that requires everyone to understand how technology will impact our world.


Burnout is a silent killer of creativity and joy. When we become bogged down by stress and monotony, our spark dims, and we lose touch with our playful, imaginative selves. The Innovation Doctor understands the transformative power of play in reigniting that flame. Through guided exercises and immersive experiences, I will help you rediscover the boundless creativity of your inner child, shedding the fear and shame that keep you from feeling truly alive. Imagine sparking an affair with creativity, where you open the door to:

Teams and Organizations

Three people working with sticky notes at a board and smiling

In today’s digital age, adaptability and innovation are key to success. The Innovation Doctor can help your organization grow into its limitless potential by cultivating a culture that embraces play, curiosity, and innovative thinking. Together, we’ll design solutions that are human-centered, aligned with your purpose, and driven by the creative energy of your team. By investing in play, you will watch your organization uplevel its performance, pursue its biggest possibilities, and redefine what it means to be truly innovative. By incorporating playful practices into your workplace, you’ll unlock:

I believe that play is not just a luxury but a powerful tool for personal and organizational transformation.

Dr Abigail Joseph on TEDx Stage

Hey, I’m Dr. Abigail Joseph, The Innovation Doctor

I am an innovation coach who helps professionals move from burnout to creativity and joy while overcoming their self-imposed creative limits.

I spent many years burnt out as a teacher and discovered building an innovation practice was the key remedy to relieving my stress and bringing joy to my life.

I have a Ph.D. in Computer Science and over 20 years of experience as an educator and coach in technology, innovation, and design. In 2022 I delivered a TEDx talk, Ubuntu Innovation: A Beacon for Humanity. I am passionate about bringing innovation to everyone and serving my communities by making technology more accessible to everyone.

ways we can work together

A 6-week intimate group coaching experience where you will spark your creative purpose and connect to your creative vitality.

Brown-skinned woman with curly hair looking at a computer with fist raised and big smile on her face

In just 6 weeks empowered with innovative mindsets and tools, you’ll embrace your little secret and become the creative force of nature that you know you are. As you move through the journey to reignite your creative expression you will:

FAQs for Creativity IP

Creative IP will require basic supplies that you hopefully have around your home: pen, paper, journal (optional), sharpie,  post-its, and other common office supplies. If you need anything special, I will make sure to let you know beforehand.

As a participant of the Creative IP, you will get the maximum benefits from the program if you complete the outside-of-session assignments. These activities will help solidify your learnings and prepare you to get the most out of each session. The activities are designed to take on average 1-2 hours of your time. At the core of these activities, you will uncover play, joy, and wonder.

At this time, I don’t offer any full or partial refunds at any point before, during, or after a program experience When you commit to enroll in a Creativity Ignite Program, you commit to pay for the entire experience regardless of the work or effort you put in. All of the exercises, materials, and worksheets from the experience are yours to keep forever.

For Creative IP, I offer a payment plan to make it more accessible to those who require some financial flexibility. The payment plan divides the cost of the program into two payments. You will save 5% by choosing to pay in full over choosing the payment plan.

No need to stress, I know that life happens and all sessions for the Creative IP program will be recorded and you will be able to review them at your convenience.  The power of the program is in the collective experience and connections made in each session, so it is highly recommended that you attend all sessions when they are live.  Before investing in the program you will have access to all of the dates and times the sessions will take place over the six weeks so that you can make an informed decision.

Designing Your Liffe

I was really happy to attend this class because I have heard of the design approach and how one can use it in their own life. This class was especially helpful to me as I was able to identify the problem at hand and get it on paper. I then was able to explore it further with the steps and prompts that were shared by Dr. Abigail in her design class. This really helped me get unstuck and move my process forward as I am working on switching my career. I was able to build my own journey map on what I have done, where I am at, and where I want to be. I have more information now to carry out my prototype in addressing my personal needs.

Shaista Soroya
Workshop Participant

Empowered Creative

I think what these activities helped me to do was push myself just a little to be more of the person I want to be ... a storyteller, a 'creative' a person who feels empowered to make things or even just to try

Allison Campbell-Rogers
Creativity Experience Participant

From Stuck to Connected and Inspired

I’d never thought of using design thinking to improve myself and realize my vision. I have been stuck in a personal rut for years and Dr. Joseph gave me the tools to discover a problem and solve it. I looked forward to our classes every week because they were well organized, usefully applied, and Dr. Joseph really listens and shares her unique perspective as an innovator. I looked at my life in the big picture both personally and professionally and I dug into specific problems and created a plan that I’m still following months later to solve them. It was fun, I loved putting aside the time each week to be creative and I’ve tried to keep it up. I’m finally embracing my artistic side (that had been dormant). It’s amazing all the places in my life I have been able to add creativity to with Dr. Joseph’s new lens on life. I keep seeing more ways to connect what I learned in the course to different areas of my life. I try to think about my vision for what I want to do with my life before I commit to things, and I feel better about my relationship with my family and my work. This year I completely changed my holiday plans and ended up having a more fulfilling holiday break than usual. 
Jenny Styer
Creativity Ignite Program Participant
I empower organizations and communities to embrace innovation to design and live connected lives filled with play, joy, and wonder.

Potential Talk Topics

A TEDx talk reprise that looks at breaking down barriers and embracing our shared humanity in the world of technology. Ubuntu Innovation is inspired by African philosophy and the Linux operating system. It’s a call for change, empowering young girls, students, and marginalized voices to become innovators in their own right. We have the power to redefine the tech landscape.

A reflective talk and conversation about creating makerspace communities where everyone feels empowered and valued to contribute their creative talents.

Connecting innovation as an action to catalyze change that everyone can adopt through the lens of core design abilities and life design.

A motivational talk focused on my personal story of my journey as an innovator focused on challenges and solutions I discovered along the way.

I personalize innovation experiences that will provide your team/organization with the tools and mindsets to tackle your workplace challenges with creativity and play at the center.
Customized training combines innovative practices with creative play into a program designed to:
Diverse team of works collaborating around a table
Training possibilities:

This interactive workshop provides participants with tools, strategies, and mindsets to design solution-driven action steps to enhance their personal care regime and maintain work-life harmony.

This custom interactive workshop provides participants with tools, strategies, and mindsets to design solution-driven action steps to address specific challenges unique to your organization.

This interactive workshop introduces your team to design thinking frameworks and mindsets. Your team will walk away with new tools to bring more creative thinking and problem-solving into your organization.

This interactive workshop introduces your team to the agile methodology. Your team will walk away with an understanding and plan for how agile can help move your organization forward with its goals.


Balanced experience of learning and application

The concepts Dr. Abigail covered during the Your Innovation Toolkit workshop at the 2023 Tech Intersections event were tailored around design thinking and how we as individuals can apply the same principles when designing a system or artifacts focused on our personal care needs and goals. The workshop was mindfully designed and mastered what many other workshops often forget – providing a balanced experience for both learning of principles and application of the learning, the doing. I’m beyond grateful for Dr. Abigail’s wonderfully crafted workshop and have begun applying the learnings to help me reach an important 2023 goal. I hope to attend other workshops in the future and personally recommend Dr. Abigail’s workshop for both organizations/teams and individuals seeking to improve how they approach personal care needs and goals.

Alyne Padilla
Workshop Participant

Heart and Mind Leadership

As a leader, Abigail brings out the best in others, earning their trust because she listens with an open heart and mind and communicates their value to the community. We brought 6 teachers to attend an SEL conference, and to help us process what we learned and consider the next steps, Abigail guided us through a design thinking exercise. This was the most productive faculty meeting we experienced because we started having no vision of how to collect our thoughts, collaborate on a shared vision, and design something for our learning community. With her facilitation, we felt charged and enthusiastic about the possibilities. Thanks, Abigail, for modeling what a positive collaborative space should look and feel like.

Patricia Lai-Burrows
Middle School Assitant Head of School

Get ready to romance creativity in all the right places.

Whether you are an individual or a team I am interested in learning more about how we may potentially play together and build curious creative experiences that bring joy. Let’s have a chat about how innovation coaching can help you and/or your team spark an affair with creativity.

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