Dear Creativity,
As you know, I am a visionary. This identity shines through no matter the time, place, or circumstance. I love to imagine the impossible and collaborate with others to demand the impossible because more often than not change cannot happen as a solo act. You know my dreaming can get me into trouble because I am full of big ideas and see possibilities everywhere and for everyone.
I was recently challenged to create a vision of myself thriving in my future. How would I craft my life if there was abundant time, freedom, and movement? I saw myself regularly planning my finances, taking trips to the beach and the bay to sit and watch the water, connecting with friends in person, and playing through making (the project book is up to 15 projects and growing). These were just a few goals I set for myself in the coming months. The visioning was the easy part, what stuck with me was the question of what action I could take today to step into that vision amongst the stress of bills, morning walks, home chores, work chores, presentations, small jobs, date nights, watercolor classes, service work, short-term goals, long-term goals, and dreams of a business that brings me the freedom to embrace the future me.
A business where I am the best in the world at helping individuals at a crossroads: walk away from burnout, harness innovative thinking to overcome challenges, and design creative strategies to get unstuck. A business where I am most known for helping professionals who identify as wannabe creatives build and sustain joyful creative practices they prioritize with space and time in their busy lives.
And then it hit me. If I wanted to embrace new identities that will open up new possibilities then I would have to untether myself from the identities that no longer serve me in this new vision. If I am to be in partnership with you, Creativity, I must be intentional about my use of time, how I craft space, and what I allow to clutter my mind. This has me thinking …
How do we let go of the identities holding us back from stepping into our visions wholeheartedly and without abandon?
As I pondered the action I could take today to bring me closer to my vision, I thought about two ideas shared at the workshop.
Wherever the focus goes, energy flows.
Make time for the things that light you up.

All of this has me thinking about my 17-year career as an educator employed in K-12 schools. One of the few places I feel most alive is being a guide, facilitator, and information steward to a group of people. I am an amazing educator! Why not take those traits that make me come alive and leave the rest behind? There is a lot I love and celebrate about being employed in K-12 schools and all too often those are overshadowed by the parts that make my heart beat fast, cause me to feel overwhelmed, dredge up anxiety, and don’t make me feel good about myself. It is time to let go of that portion of myself to create space for all that is new and joyous to come.
And just like that with one question about stepping into my vision, I am ready to embrace those innovation mindsets that have served me so well time and time again, many of which I have shared in my Burnout Remedy Guide. The few that bubble to the top at this moment are:
- Bias towards action: Making a choice regardless of not knowing the outcome and taking small steps towards making ideas come to fruition.
- Taking risks: Seeking progress and not perfection. Being willing to be wrong to figure out what is right.
- Being curious: Cultivating a desire to learn new things and ask questions to understand.
- Practice empathy: Listening deeply to see the perspectives of others and the problems they are trying to solve and ourselves.
In the upcoming weeks, I look forward to your support, Creativity, as I take action to let go of all the reminders of my K-12 educator life (books, notes, trinkets) I thought I should memorialize, but today I realize is the very thing that holds me back from embracing the vision I am meant to live.
I am a wannabe creative serving other wannabe creatives who want to start and finish projects, sustain a joyful creative practice, and embark on journeys to let their ideas take flight.
The world needs more people like us to come alive and I am ready to serve with you by my side.
Innovatively Yours,
Dr. Abigail