Walking a tightrope between seizing the day or delay

Dear Creativity,

I am here in a hotel room in Las Vegas, wondering how I will work on everything I would like to work on before getting to sleep at 10 pm. It is 9 pm and I have had a long day and week. I am attending the Computer Science Teachers Association (CSTA) annual conference this week. I have been looking forward to this moment for some time now, yet I feel so behind.

This week is full of commitments. As a member of the Board of Directors, I will be volunteering my time in many ways. Additionally, I will be presenting at 3 sessions and am filling in for someone during the final keynote panel. It will be a week filled with all of my Innovation Doctor values: play, joy, and wonder. I am excited yet in the back of my mind, I have to wonder:

Why does procrastination feel easier than seizing the day? Or are they both the same depending on your perspective or the moment?

For months now, I have known that I would be presenting at this conference, yet somehow this last week was the moment I was able to focus and get started on putting together my presentations. A lot was happening this past week: my full-time job, my budding business (The Innovation Doctor), and the California Bay Area experiencing several heat waves. (The irony is not lost on me that I am now in Las Vegas, where it was 109 F degrees today.)

CSTA 2024 conference las vegas black t-shirt and name badge

As I sit here, contemplating the week ahead and the tasks I’ve left to the last minute, I’m reminded that both procrastination and seizing the day are deeply human experiences. They’re two sides of the same coin, each offering its own lessons and challenges.

When we procrastinate, perhaps we’re giving ourselves time to process, to let ideas simmer, or to gather the courage we need to tackle a daunting task. On the other hand, seizing the day can bring a rush of accomplishment and open doors to unexpected opportunities.

So as I consider this particular moment in time Creativity, you have me considering what I should ponder in the future when I am feeling polarized by seizing the moment or procrastinating:

  1. Reflect on why I’m procrastinating. Is it fear, perfectionism, or simply needing more time to prepare mentally? When it comes to presentation I often feel like I just need the time, to think, play, and ponder my many perspectives and how to best deliver my thoughts.
  2. Remember that ‘seizing the day’ doesn’t always mean immediate action. Sometimes it means making a plan, setting intentions, or simply being present in the moment. It’s hard to stop grinding or jump off that hamster wheel.
  3. Be kind to myself. Whether I am procrastinating or seizing the day, I am doing the best I can with the resources I have at that moment. When it is super hot, perhaps I am not going to work at the rate I am accustomed to. And that is okay.
  4. Embrace the ebb and flow. Some days I’ll be full of energy and ready to conquer the world, while others I might need to step back and recharge. Did I mention it has been really hot lately?
  5. Find joy in the process, not just the outcome. Whether I am working ahead or racing against a deadline, there’s always an opportunity for growth and learning.

As I prepare for this busy week ahead, I’m choosing to view my last-minute preparations not as a failure to seize earlier days, but as my unique way of rising to the challenge. After all, innovation often thrives under pressure, doesn’t it? And I have to remind myself that you are always there for me Creativity, ready to partner with me when I am ready and able.

Here’s to finding our balance between procrastination and carpe diem, and may our days be filled with play, joy, and wonder – however we choose to approach them.

Innovatively yours,
Dr. Abigail