Dear Creativity,
I seem to be at a loss for where to begin my thoughts today. I think I have rewritten this opening at least five times already. I guess that is indicative of the swirl of ideas and yet the lack of clarity and focus to have them come to fruition as a coherent stream of thoughts. Today, I managed to complete what felt like an impossible task this month. I have been working on this curriculum for my job for some time now and it has not been an easy road to bring the idea to life.
The idea for the curriculum was mine and I was excited to design the experience for our students yet this creative task seemed to be the most grueling task of the past couple of months. I was in love with the idea and dreaded executing it. Over the past week, I was able to complete the technical part of the curriculum which seemed to be the most daunting of the project. I am not sure how you managed to channel yourself into the depths of this slow development process, Creativity, and I am grateful for your partnership that has gotten me to this point where I feel like I can breathe again.

As I pause with my elbows on the table, head in hands and eyes closed I can see that day by the water in downtown Benecia, with subtle sunset hues and calm water. In the rest and the stillness, there is so much to be gained. The weekend away was not exactly what I envisioned, yet it was just what I needed. A moment to center me when I felt lost and frazzled and bring myself back home to you, Creativity.
The moment to ground looked like an afternoon walk through a new portion of my neighborhood, where I discovered the beauty of numerous hibiscus flowers in bright colors that reminded me of our adult need to play, be joyful, and wonder like the children we once were. The discovery of these beautiful flowers reminded me of my love for photography investigating perspectives and observing the world with a lens that most do not see. Now this is creativity. I can feel the joy emanating through every fiber of being. It reminds me that we are most creative and generative when we are in our most relaxed state. This has me wondering…
How do we as busy professionals ground ourselves to find relaxed moments for our creative passions new and old to rise to the top of our priority deck?

You know, old friend, it’s ironic that I’m writing to you about finding time for creative pursuits while sitting here in this very moment of creative expression. Perhaps that’s the first clue you’re offering me – these moments don’t always need to be grandiose or planned. They can be stolen minutes between tasks, like my unexpected neighborhood walk that led to those magnificent hibiscus discoveries.
I’m realizing now, as I write to you, that grounding ourselves isn’t about finding large blocks of time, but rather about creating small rituals that invite you in. Maybe it’s taking a moment to capture surprise moments of beauty by going on a short discovery walk or spending the first five minutes of my lunch break sketching or watercolor painting instead of checking emails or getting the laundry done. These aren’t grand gestures, but rather tiny doorways through which you can slip back into my daily life.
Remember how those hibiscus flowers didn’t need an elaborate garden to bloom? They found their space in a simple yard blooming through fences, bringing their vibrant colors to otherwise ordinary places. Perhaps we professionals need to embrace that same spirit – finding ways to bloom creatively in the spaces between meetings, during morning coffee, or in evening wind-down routines.
So, my dear Creativity, I think you’ve helped me answer my question. The key isn’t to force relaxation or schedule creativity like another task on our endless to-do lists. Instead, it’s about staying open to those small moments of wonder, as a child does, and giving ourselves permission to pause and play when we stumble upon them.
However, we are all adults trying to keep it together in a world that is falling apart at the seams. We need creativity more than ever, and perhaps there is a need to harmonize those hibiscus moments with some scheduled creative play with a community of like-minded individuals.
Innovatively yours,
Dr. Abigail